The Ultimate Page of Hanson Quotes

(note: Thanks very much to Operation Rubber Monkey and Absolutely Insane for these great quotes!!)

Quotes about Hanson

Group quotes

Ike quotes

Tay quotes

Zac quotes


Quotes: What other famous people have said about the guys.


"They seem like they really love music, which means they'll stick with it!" Fiona Apple

"The guys can sing, they can play....good songs, they can all sing, they're brilliant!" - Jamiroqui~ "Hanson is so talented.....its scary."- Mark Hudson

"That little one is a kick ass drummer" - Stevie Nicks

"They're pretty cool. I'm partial to Zac 'cause we act the same."- Billy Joel

"I loved Hanson , I loved MMMBop How could you deny that? - It just sounded great ........and that kid can sing!"- Shawn Colvin

"Hanson makes some great music, so we're happy to share a bill with them" - Tom Hamilton (Aerosmith)

"I went to a Hanson concert the other night ...... and you know what ? They can play!" - Chris Rock

"I want to adopt the little Hanson brother" - Jim Carrey


Group Quotes

"If we are girls....then we are the UGLYIST bunch of girls we've ever seen!" - Hanson

"Pardon me,do you have any Grey Poupon?" - Hanson (Seventeen Magazine)


Ike Quotes.

"Zac's almost schizophrenic!"- Ike

"We're made up of 2/3rds water .....and the rest is guts, muscle, bone, and all kinds of gooey stuff" - Ike

"Brunettes are like, really cool." - Ike

"I didn't know you threw it in a fountain!!" - Ike (on the love letter Tay threw in the fountain once)

"Thou shalt have a frog in thy Bathroom!" - Ike

"When we performed in Indonesia, we stopped and let the audience sing, and they knew the lyrics word for word. That's amazing." - Ike

"We're not a young band, we're just a band that happens to be young!" - Ike


Taylor Quotes

"We want to say right now we're NOT going to put out Hanson dolls." - Taylor

"Hey we've been bashed by Howard Stern! YEAH !" - Taylor

"Zac's been hit on the head a few times pretty hard." - Taylor

"We have more caffeine than most adults." - Taylor

"There's a weird fact that if you dropped a penny off the Empire State Building in New York you'd kill someone. I feel real bad 'cause I dropped a nickel off once!" - Taylor

"I often go into my own little world. At least that's what Ike and Zac say." - Taylor

"Zac's the most hyper person you'd ever meet- sometimes I just want to stun him with a tranquilizer gun to get him to sit still." - Taylor

"Zac looks like an angel, that's what is so ironic!-don't let his looks fool you!"- Taylor (ahh, sibling rivalry...)

"The coolest thing about our fans is that they're devoted ... but PSHYCO!" - Taylor

"What do you reckon? Is that an English thing to say?" - Taylor

"Taylor: getting your license gives you the right to pick your nose in the car!" - "Ike: Absolutely this is America!"

"Oh my God!....Jennifer Aniston sent us a poster of herself!" - Taylor (hehe)

"Zac, what the hell are you doing?" - Taylor (hehe)

"There's nothing like calories man, calories, calories, and more calories!" - Taylor

"We're known as Ike, Tay, and Zac not Posh, Butter, Spicy, Rare or whatever they are." - Taylor (on the Spice girls)

"People go 'that's the ugliest woman I've ever seen!'." - Taylor (on people mistaking him for a girl)

"Don't mock the fans." - Taylor

"It's really weird getting phone calls and people going 'I love you, I love you...'." - Taylor

"All you could need..Jennifer Aniston and some jellybeans !" - Taylor

"Girls are so lucky they dont have to go through that!!" (Tay on his voice changing) "Okay, Okay, i know where this is going!!" - Taylor (from the Oprah show)

"Isaac's the hopeless romantic of the group, I'm the professional and Zac's just mad!" - Taylor

"You have to deal with it…" [he points to his neck] "…'voice stop changing!!!'" (Taylor says in response to Question about coping with his voice changing.)

"Beep! Wrong answer!!!! Do not pass go, do not collect $200!" - Taylor

"Look at my brother, Zac. He's just 11 years old. What's the point of him having a girl? What's he gonna do with her?" - Taylor (when asked if they had girlfriends last year)


Zac Quotes

"I don't tend to get the girl fans- I get all the young guys and weirdos!" - Zac

"I go to a mental hospital every couple of weeks, and they do a check-up!" - Zac

"Sometimes I plug my Nintendo into the hotel room before I've unpacked anything else. Its like I can't live without beating Taylor at NBA Jams!" - Zac

"I made a gumball and it looked like your face." - Zac, talking to Jay Leno

"If you run, they follow. If you don't run, your dead!" - Zac (on the fans)

"So, you think we're chicks? What are you saying here? What are you saying?" - Zac

"I'm not a ham, I'm a turkey" - Zac

"Maybe I have a talent for hitting things." - Zac

"I think it's probably actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky to make up." - Zac

"Think of us as old people with high voices." - Zac

"Girls are so cute!" - Zac

[pretending to cry] "You know what I want to do?I wanna give everyone in the world a puppy" - Zac

"Girls are just the icing on the cake, or music is like a hot dog and girls are the condiments, or life is like a twinkie and girls are the sticky white stuff inside" - Zac

"You're just jealous because some girl was flirting with me after the concert, 'cause i'm so fine!" - Zac


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