The Pro-Hanson Movement


Ever since Hanson first came around, so have two sides: the fans, and the haters. Also, every since Hanson first came around, those two sides have been having a brutal war. Guess what? The Haters have been winning. For years the haters have ridiculed us, made fun of us to our faces, and downright insulted us because of the band we loved and supported, and we have taken it time and time again. Now, I could tell that it was bad when people would say that they were (pardon my use of the 'g' word) gay and looked/sounded/acted like girls, but then recently, haters have started coming into the Hanson chat room. OK, we could deal at first, and just cussed the haters out. But they've kept coming, and lately it has been getting worse. It has gotten to the point where I cannot go into that chat without seeing a hater on the users list.

Sure, I firmly believe that everybody is fully entitled to their opinion, but that's no reason to ridicule us. We have the right to our opinions and beliefs too, but they aren't letting us speak. They are ridiculing us for, get this, no reason.

This has gone far enough. We have sat around and taken it for far too long. It's time that we stand up and tell them that we won't stand for it any longer. It's time we start fighting back. If we all join forces and rebel against the haters, then maybe, just maybe, they might get the message and keep their insults to themselves. But I, we, need your help, fellow fans. To make this work, you need to help us! Please, don't sit there any longer. Become an active part of the Pro-Hanson Movement, and protect your beliefs! Show your support as a fan and stand up for yourself!


To participate, please copy and paste this code into the Haters' guestbooks:

<a href=""><img src="" alt="One word for ya"></a>


Also, if you have a webpage, please take this image and put it on your website to further show your support. (Save the file to your harddrive, and then insert it on your homepage. Please give the credit to Welcome to Albertane. You can have it link to

(note: the picture might look big or small depending on your screen resolution. It should be 389 pixels by 456 pixels.)



Thank you for your support.


Grace K.


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