Grace's Hanson Images

This one is actually intended to be a mock cover for their new album. I think it's incredibly cool.

Another possible mock cover. Not as good as the first, but still reasonably cool. (sorry, it got a little pixelated in the blowing-up process!)

This is some of my earlier work. I was really, I mean really into smoke and lens flares. I don't think that it's even marginally cool, but hey: you might think differently than me! (Note: It looks kind of funky here. It normally looks better than that!)

This one was supposed to make them look like angels. (I actually acheived it in the next image, *lol*) It's still kind of neat, even if they don't really look the way I wanted them to.

This one...this one is just cool. I'm still trying to decide if I made them look like angels or something super-natural in this one. Either way, it's incredibly cool!!

I made this one when I was on another of my supernatural-hanson streaks. Anyway, I think it came out pretty good. (Hey, ain't it true?) Feel free to take this image, but please be sure and make a little note of where you got it, okay?

Another image from my smoke-and-lens-flares era. Pretty good. Credit goes to hansonline for the pic.


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